At 03:19 PM 1/11/2006 -0800, Lyle Kopnicky wrote:
>Well, that's what I have right now.  Two packages, each in their own 
>file.  Each one is a class.  But they are '.pl' files.  Is there any 
>reason to make them '.pm' files?  I don't see why I would want to export 
>anything from them.

Then I guess for ur purposes it's just a semantics/personal preference
difference.  A require is basically just a do in this case and if ur using
that to just fire off "giant subroutines" then making a module won't buy u
much.  The use package syntax is really there to give u much more control
over the process than what a do can provide.  It's just a cleaner safer
method IMHO.

>The 'server/' path is necessary, since it's relative to the current 
>directory, not the location of ''.  Then, within 
>'', I have:
>    require 'server/';
>So, how would I make these into modules?  Suppose I just rename them 
>with '.pm' extensions.  Then, In 'server/', I could write:

use lib 'server';
use TicketQueue;

>because it wouldn't like the dashes.  Perhaps I could rename the file to 
>just ''.  Or I could make a VRes folder, then put 
>'' inside of it?  Then I'd have to change the package name 
>to VRes::TicketQueue.

It seems u've alreay dug urself into too deep a hole to make it much worth
it to try to dig urself out. ;)  In the future, when u want to make a true
function library, u can start using modules.  I call a do a "dumb" external
execute and a use a "smart" external execute.

" cede malis"


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