DZ-Jay wrote:

On Jan 7, 2006, at 03:49, Lyle Kopnicky wrote:

Doesn't that just let me import the methods of the class into my own namespace, from another file? That would be weird - they're supposed to be methods of a class. They belong in the class' namespace, not mine.

They won't be imported unless you explicitly allow it (by using Exporter, etc). What you are calling a "module" is merely a package in its own file. When using Perl classes, a 'module' and a 'package' are pretty much interchangeble.

Well, that's what I have right now. Two packages, each in their own file. Each one is a class. But they are '.pl' files. Is there any reason to make them '.pm' files? I don't see why I would want to export anything from them.

You should read up on how Perl uses modules, packages and classes in the perldoc.

I have read that, thanks. It seems like more trouble than it's worth to make it them modules. For example, right now I have the class TicketQueue in 'server/' and TicketSubQueue in 'server/'. In 'server/', I have the line:

   require 'server/';

The 'server/' path is necessary, since it's relative to the current directory, not the location of ''. Then, within '', I have:

   require 'server/';

So, how would I make these into modules? Suppose I just rename them with '.pm' extensions. Then, In 'server/', I could write:

   require 'server/';

And what would that buy me?  Could I write:

   use server::V-Res-TicketQueue;

? I don't think so. It woudn't like the dashes in the name, or the lowercase name for 'server', and it wouldn't match the package name, which is just TicketQueue.

I could add the 'server' folder to @INC.  Then I still couldn't write:

   user V-Res-TicketQueue;

because it wouldn't like the dashes. Perhaps I could rename the file to just ''. Or I could make a VRes folder, then put '' inside of it? Then I'd have to change the package name to VRes::TicketQueue.

Why go through all these hijinks? I still don't see what I'm getting out of this. Why not just leave things the way they are?

For library modules, that have top-level utility subroutines, I can understand making it a module. But for a class, it doesn't seem to make sense. There's no need to export anything, since you can access methods through the objects. Just a package-in-a-file seems to work just fine.

FYI, I'm only using the TicketQueue class from '', and only using TicketSubQueue from ''. So reuse isn't really an issue.


Lyle Kopnicky
Software Project Engineer
Veicon Technology, Inc.

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