Dear All,

        Need your help with respect to the *cronjob setup in Solaris and
Undo checkout operation in Clearcase*.
I have a cronjob and it is working fine, but problem is, *system* command in
perl script is not working as per requirement.
Please find the snipped, of code as below for your kind reference.

if($Difference > 15 )
  &send_mail($Xid_Value, $View_Name, $File_2_Uncheckout, $Difference, $Vobs
);     # this sends the mail, and everyting works fine.
  *system ("/usr/atria/bin/cleartool unco -keep $File_2_Uncheckout");*  *  #
$File_2_Uncheckout is the complete path for the file to be undo check out.*

If the $Difference value is greater than 15, it sends the mail to user. But
the second line
system command is not working as per the behavior, due to which undo check
out operation is not performed.

And the cronjob setup is as below.
*25 12 * * * /usr/atria/bin/cleartool setview -exec
/vobs/vobs_verif/tools/DB_cronjobs/ view_MAIN

Appreciate your kind help.

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