>     cleartool: Error: Element name not found:
> "/view/view_PACE6R05/vobs/vbos_verif/devices/PACE6R05/M3/SYS1/module/module.h".
> Here the element is there in 
> clearcase("/view/view_PACE6R05/vobs/vbos_verif/devices/PACE6R05/M3/SYS1/module/module.h),
> bcz I checked manually and I can undo checkout manually.
Well, during the time of the cronjob is the view view_PACE6R05 started? 
You might need a 'cleartool startview view_PACE6R05' before the 
uncheckout attempt. Is the vob /vobs/vbos_verif mounted? Is it really 
'vbos_verif' and not 'vobs_verif'? A wild guess is that you somehow use 
a Windows vob tag in a Unix context - do you have both Unix and Windows 
CC clients? Are you sure the view in question actually is a dynamic 
view? How did you get the path? Is the cronjob running as a user that 
has the right to uncheckout someone elses stuff? Is the view actually 
reachable on the host where the cronjob runs. Etc etc.  Rather than 
blindly asking what is wrong, you need to do a lot more checking in your 
cron job so that the circumstances you expect really are as you assume. 
Once you figure out a few answers to the above you'll probably find the 
error message totally sensible. Don't forget that cron jobs usually 
don't have the same context as a logged in user.

As an aside, I'd say that this is not a Perl question, it is a plain 
ClearCase question, and you'd have a much better shot at getting help at 
the CCIUG forum.

Frankly, why are you doing this at all? An admin who unco'ed something 
of mine without having a *veryveryvery* good reason, and/or giving me 
quite a good warning with multiple chances to fix the perceived problem, 
would be hung up by his tongue in the ceiling fan for a joyride when I 
could lay my hands on him. Maybe you're already past these steps, but 
this task really sound like something illconceived to me...

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