
Perl Perl wrote:
> I have a cronjob and it is working fine, but problem is, *system* command in
> perl script is not working as per requirement.
> Please find the snipped, of code as below for your kind reference.
> script.pl
> if($Difference > 15 )
> {
>   &send_mail($Xid_Value, $View_Name, $File_2_Uncheckout, $Difference, $Vobs
> );     # this sends the mail, and everyting works fine.
>   *system ("/usr/atria/bin/cleartool unco -keep $File_2_Uncheckout");*  *  #
> $File_2_Uncheckout is the complete path for the file to be undo check out.*
> }
What happens if you run the system line without the extra asterisks "*"?

  system ("/usr/atria/bin/cleartool unco -keep $File_2_Uncheckout"); #
$File_2_Uncheckout is the complete path for the file to be undo check out.*

(I assume that the above is one line.) 

> If the $Difference value is greater than 15, it sends the mail to user. But
> the second line
> system command is not working as per the behavior, due to which undo check
> out operation is not performed.

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