You are in a "while <STDIN>" loop.  It will stay in the loop until it
reaches the EOF.  Enter a "cntl Z" to break the loop.

Then, instead of trying to redirecting the print statements, redirect STDOUT

        open(STDOUT, ">static.html");
        print $q->header(),
                $q->start_html (-title=>'generated HTML file'),
                'Some output',


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Rochlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 10:36 AM
> To: Perl-Win32-Users Mailing List
> Subject: to a static file?
> (Running Activestate 5.6 on win2k):
> I'd like to use but send the output to a static HTML 
> file instead of 
> generating the page on the fly.
> I've got 
> use CGI;
> $q = new CGI; # intitiate web page state
> Here's the prob.  I'm running the program from the command prompt.
> When it hits the second line with "new CGI;", I get this in 
> the console:
> (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)
> type in
> random
> stuff
> (the "type in\nrandom\nstuff" is from me entering junk into 
> what looks for 
> all the world like a "while <STDIN>" type loop.   But I have 
> to cntl C to 
> get out.
> What I'd like to do is just print my HTML to a file handle like 
> open (HTMLOUTPUT, ">newfile.html")
> $q= new CGI;
> print  HTMLOUTPUT header(),
>                   start_html (-title=>'generated HTML file'),
>                   'Some output',
>                   end_html();
> I tried using STDOUT as the file handle for my HTML file 
> (overriding the 
> default to the console) but that didn't appear to do anything.
> Suggestions?
> (By the way, I'm generating a static file because it takes a several 
> minutes to run the CGI that generates the page content, so 
> I'm doing it 
> once it the morning and letting visitors see the static page. 
>  I'm -trying 
> to- use instead of just printing to the HTML file 
> handle because 
> it'd be nice to use some of the convenient tag 
> generating code.)
> Thanks,
> Matt Rochlin
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