On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, $Bill Luebkert wrote:

> Chris Devers wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, $Bill Luebkert wrote:
> > 
> > > Chris Devers wrote:
> > 
> > Actually, I've got a catchall error page, with Apache directives like:
> > 
> >     ErrorDocument 400 /misc/server_error.cgi?status=400
> >     ErrorDocument 401 /misc/server_error.cgi?status=401
> > 
> > etc., so there's no env parsing necessary -- it's a passed parameter.
> That's what I thought your script was (guess not :( ).

It's two scripts that work together -- /misc/server_error.cgi, among other
things, outputs a form that calls the error_mail script. I could have done
them as one, but didn't see the benefit of doing so. Splitting them grants
flexibility for reworking the front or back ends without breaking it all.
Loose coupling paired with tight cohesion & all that...
> Why pass an arg when you already have it in the ENV ? (rhetorical)

Mainly so that I can explicitly force it from the server level; there's
also room for overriding it if that should prove useful, but you're right
that it could be considered redundant. 
> You can leave arg parsing out entirely on a catchall page saving time.
Come again? Arguments only really get parsed if someone wants to fill out
the form & send in a diagnostic email; the normal error page doesn't
really do much work as far as that goes...

Chris Devers                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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