On Apr 29, 2006, at 10:31 AM, Mark Jordan wrote:
Maybe other people should verify the usefulness of a delete subfield function before anyone does anything about it, though. Would a half dozen +1 votes from perl4libers validate its usefulness?

Yes it would...but to get the changes out on CPAN we'd all need to convince Mike O'Regan who holds the keys to MARC-Record on CPAN. Right now the version on CPAN is not the latest version that's available in CVS on SourceForge. I think Mike has some performance concerns about the Unicode handling code in v2.0, since MARC::Record is used in some of his time critical applications. Hopefully we can benchmark v1.38 and v2.0 sometime and get the latest code pushed out to CPAN if things look OK. Or if this is not an option there is always the possibility of creating a MARC::Record2 on CPAN. That would be kind of ugly for backwards compatibility though.

At any rate if you are open to using the latest/greatest code from SourceForge there is nothing stopping us from getting a delete_subfield method working.

$field->delete_subfield('a', 0);

In the interests of flexibility how about using hash key/value pairs? Here's what I'm thinking:

# delete all subfield u
$field->delete_subfield(code => 'u');

# delete first two subfield u
$field->delete_subfield(code => 'u', count => 2);

# delete all subfield u that have 'zombo.com' in them
$field->delete_subfield(code => 'u', match = qr/zombo\.com/);

# delete only the first subfield u that has 'zombo.com' in it
$field->delete_subfield(code => 'u', match => qr/zombo\.com', count => 1);

# delete any subfield with a value that matches 'zombo.com'
$field->delete_subfield(match => qr/zombo\.com/);

So effectively there is AND boolean logic between any options that are supplied. If this looks good I've got some code that does it and some tests committed in SourceForge for you to take a look at [1]. I'm open to suggestions on renaming parameters, etc... Here are the basics for checking out the code if you haven't done it before.

         cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/marcpm login

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/marcpm co -P marc-record


[1] http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=1254

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