
But I have some questions:

On 4/30/06, Edward Summers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So effectively there is AND boolean logic between any options that
are supplied. If this looks good I've got some code that does it and
some tests committed in SourceForge for you to take a look at [1].
I'm open to suggestions on renaming parameters, etc... Here are the
basics for checking out the code if you haven't done it before.

# delete first two subfield u
$field->delete_subfield(code => 'u', count => 2);

I don't think I like it this way.  How would you delete just the second one?
I'd rather see 'count' mean 'occurrence', so the above would mean
delete the second subfield u.  And ...

# delete second and third subfield u
$field->delete_subfield(code => 'u', count => 2, count => 3);

(And I'd prefer the first one be 1 not 0.)

# delete all subfield u that have 'zombo.com' in them and/or ...?
$field->delete_subfield(code => 'u', match = qr/zombo\.com/, match =
qr/bimbo\.org/ );

Means which:

code eq 'u' and (data =~ /zombo\.com or data =~ /bimbo\.org)


code eq 'u' and (data =~ /zombo\.com and data =~ /bimbo\.org)



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