Michael G Schwern wrote:
On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 08:55:33AM +0100, Steve Hay wrote:

Didn't we conclude it would be better to give Pod::Html the same foo()
recognition magic that Pod::Man has and not have to put C<> around every

Patches welcome!

Patch Pod::Html? Sorry, I have to.. umm.. I have to rearrange my sock drawer. On Pluto.

Whoof, you ain't jokin', Son. I looked in there briefly, awhile back, while looking over the Pod::Pdf and pod2html/Pod::Html docs to see if I could re-do a better version of pod2pdf but gave it up. THEN I looked closer at Pod::Html =8-o

with CGI.pm being part of the perl core, it would seem to me to make far more sense to take advantage of its ability (with the function-oriented interface) to generate clean html on the fly, as part of the refactoring.

I mean, it WOULD be really swell to have clean & compliant 'html 4.01 Strict' (+ inline/external CSS2) doc generation... :)

um.. yeah.. I'll be .. right back.. sometime. :)

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