Bart Lateur writes:
> Oh. I would have put my hopes on a better (= more generic) O::Deparse
> mechanism to make Perl analyse the source code for you. Rewriting a Perl
> in a module seems a bit silly to me.

I don't know enough swear words to say how much I fucking hate the
stupid braindead dumbfuck idea that Perl should be the only thing
that can tokenize, let alone parse, Perl.  It's a great slogan, but
a crappy reality.

Anything that makes it possible for text editors to understand the
syntax of the Perl code in a buffer, for pretty-printers to format
Perl, code analysis tools to analyse Perl, etc. *without* requiring
those editors, printers, analysers be written in Perl, is a GOOD THING.

Read my lips: GOOD THING.

I've nothing against dumping the parse tree, but it's not going to
solve the problems of pretty printers, editors, code analysers.


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