<Moved to perl6-language from perl6-internals> where it was "Remove
sockets from core"...

Tom Christiansen wrote:
> >I would like to see a set of "requirements" that make Perl what it is.
> >I think we all have a vague idea of what makes Perl great, but I'm also
> >sure there's a lot of variation.  With a SHORT list of requirements, it
> >becomes much easier to address some of these issues that are radical
> >changes to the language.
> That's a very good idea.

Thank you.

> Many if not most of these radical "let's make a new language"
> postings mostly just keep making Python and Java look better and
> better.  If you strip out the Perlishness from Perl, there's really
> no reason to bother with the language anymore.
> --tom

You're much closer to the language and the history than I could ever
hope to
be, so what do YOU think makes Perl Perl?

In addition to the four I posted, originally, I've added two.  Here's my
working list.

native pattern matching;
list manipulation
aweswome text processing.
It's application glue  (thanks Tim)
Ability to write powerful 1-line programs.
Make easy things easy and hard things possible.  (paraphrased, I
David Corbin            
Mach Turtle Technologies, Inc.

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