On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Stephen P. Potter wrote:

> I have several RFCs I need to write about removing certain functionality
> out of the core (math functions, IPC, networking, "user").  I don't want to
> go too overboard.  I don't know that we want to go so far as to remove
> printing and such.  It might be nice to generalize some functions (like the
> discussion with open() that happened awhile back).

Hard things should be easy, easy things should be trivial. We should try
to keep the stuff that is commonly used in the core (excluding OS
dependent stuff, perhaps? Non-Unix folks don't see the use for getpwent(),
for instance). In my opinion, Perl6 should still be a language in which
it is easy to write powerful and useful programs on the command line.

 --- Joe M.

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