Dan Sugalski writes:
> The operative word in that last sentence is "Currently"...
> >The problem is that you can tie() an array, but an object is a scalar.
> >Also, there are many array operations (push, pop, etc) still not
> >supported by tie.  tie makes assumptions about arrays that are perhaps
> >not valid with pdls.
> Tie will have a more comprehensive implementation in perl 6, I expect. And 
> it may not be the method used to do this magic. (variable vtable functions 
> should be writable in perl)

Yes, but you're handwaving.  If we don't come up with a way to address
these issues by saying "this is what we want to be possible, this is
how it might be done", this list will just spin and talk and discuss
and debate without any idea of when it's done.

The purpose of the discussion is to come up with a syntax for doing
what they need.  Simply saying "yes, currently it's broken but
magically it'll be fixed in perl6" isn't enough.  We're here to say
just how that magic works.

What is the more comprehensive implementation you want?  How will
splice work?  Multiple DELETE and STORE calls?  Is it a single
operation?  Both depending on whether a SPLICE method is called?
Will push and pop be defined in terms of SPLICE or separately
overridable, or both?

I'm just trying to start us down the track of being able to decide
these things.


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