You are now biting off quite a bit. This is the generic problem that
all database systems have to do to handle transactions.

I believe that this will increase the deadlock possibilities. Without
a transaction, it might have been possible to get in and out of a subroutine
without holding the lock except within the subroutine. 

With a transaction, all variables touched within the dynamic scope of the
transaction will have to be locked.


>>>>> "KF" == Ken Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

KF> I was thinking about this same problem while reading RFC 130. It seems
KF> like transactions and exceptions are closely related. Should we combine
KF> the two?

KF>   try transaction {
KF>      ...
KF>   }

KF> That's a really interesting extension to exceptions -- code that has
KF> no side-effects unless it finishes. BTW, how useful are transactions on
KF> internal variables if we don't provide I/O transactions too?

KF> Since the "transaction" keyword can only appear after "try", it
KF> doesn't have to appear as a new global keyword.

KF> This type of language feature strikes me as something similar to the
KF> Pascalish "with" proposal -- the "transaction" keyword triggers munging
KF> of the variables used in the following block. Obviously the munging
KF> is very different between these, but if we allow the general concept
KF> of munging the intermediate code (parse tree or OP tree or whatever),
KF> then both "with" and "transation" might be implemented from user code
KF> outside the core.

Chaim Frenkel                                        Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               +1-718-236-0183

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