/--- On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 10:57:30PM -0400, Chaim Frenkel wrote:
| >>>>> "JH" == Jarkko Hietaniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| >> Now, "all"  that needs  to be  taken care of,  is make  sure that
| >> the final
| >> assignment from the localized and changed variables to their
| >> outer-scoped  counterparts happens  in *one  step*, i.e.  no task
| >> switching
| >> while this is going on.
| JH> Well,  that can't be  done. (I  assume that by  'task switching'
| you mean
| JH>  here 'thread  switching')  Or, if  it  can,  it *shouldn't*  be
| done.
| JH>  Threads run  on  their own  until they  yield,  they decide  to
| synchronize
| JH> and/or join, or they exit. Note the "they decide".

It  is  a  very  interesting  problem,   and  this  maybe  out  of  my
profession,  but I  think we  need to  try to  solve this,  because it
will worth later!

My suggestions:
If we use  locks for transactions, then we need  a deadlock detection,
which is (in  the simplest case): timeout. It can  be implemented very

Releasing the  lock after  the end  of transaction  has no  problem (I
think),  because we  can  hold  the lock  on  the  variables until  we
finishes  all the  COMMITS  and TIE_COMMITS,  and  then  we can  start
releasing the locks.  If a task-switching occures in  this cycle, then
nothing  interresting happens:  half of  the variables  are usable  by
others, half  ot that  is not.  Anyone can  try to  use that,  and may
succeed. Next  thread-switch to  our thread  will continue  to release
the locks until all the locks are released.

I still think that  we can implement this in a quite  simple way IF we
assume we already designed our perl interpreter to thread-safe.

If you still have objections, share with us!


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