I think it should be made explicit what happens if the here doc
terminator itself contains comment characters or semicolons.  This is
my suggestion:

The here doc terminator must match as a string (that is,
C<m/^\s*\Q$term\E\s*(?:\#|;\s*$)/> should match the line, where $term is
the desired terminator.

Otherwise the behaviour of C<print <<'END#17'> is unclear.  This issue 
was raised during previous discussion of the RFC.
Ariel Scolnicov        |"GCAAGAATTGAACTGTAG"            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compugen Ltd.          |Tel: +972-2-5713025 (Jerusalem) \ We recycle all our Hz
72 Pinhas Rosen St.    |Tel: +972-3-7658514 (Main office)`---------------------
Tel-Aviv 69512, ISRAEL |Fax: +972-3-7658555    http://3w.compugen.co.il/~ariels

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