On Mon, Sep 04, 2000 at 05:36:32PM -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> Actually, the two started merged. :-) They were split up after there
> were too many people for RFC 111 but against RFC 162. Personally, I'd
> rather see the recipe method of:
>    print <<END_OF_DOC =~ s/^\s{0,5}//g;

This still leaves the problem of having to count whitespace and having
to change your regex if you reindent your code.  In effect, it causes
whitespace to become significant.  Bleh.

> > I can't think of much else I'd want to comment about the end of a
> > here-doc than "this is the end of the here-doc" which is about as
> > useful as "$i++ # add one to $i".
> If you have a potentially huge here doc it can help, just like a
> potentially huge if statement:
>   if ( $cond ) {
>      # 200 lines pass
>   }  # end if($cond) line 23

There's a big difference.  Every code block ends with a '}'.  Every
here doc ends with its own custom tag.  Thus to state:

    print <<EOF;
    Four score and seven years ago...

    EOF  # end of print <<EOF line 23

can currently be better written as:


    Four score and seven years ago...


The tag itself describes what the text is, similar to the way a
well-named variable describes what's inside of it and removes the need
for a descriptive comment.  At a glance one can tell that
'GETTYSBURG_ADDRESS' closes the here-doc containing the Gettysburg
Address, without having to maintain a comment.  (I guarantee the line
number mentioned in the comment will not be maintained.)

Another reason for wanting to comment the closing of a code block is
nesting.  Simply searching for the previous '{' will not work.
Here-docs cannot be nested and do not have this problem.  Simply
searching backwards for your here-doc tag will always work.


Michael G Schwern      http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just Another Stupid Consultant                      Perl6 Kwalitee Ashuranse
BOFH excuse #356:

the daemons! the daemons! the terrible daemons!

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