Michael G Schwern wrote:
> The RFC proposes a <<< operator which would strip whitespace off the
> front of the here-doc.  Problem is preserving indentation.  We can
> merge the two.

Actually, the two started merged. :-) They were split up after there
were too many people for RFC 111 but against RFC 162. Personally, I'd
rather see the recipe method of:

   print <<END_OF_DOC =~ s/^\s{0,5}//g;

(It's something like that) used for the "stripping leading whitespace"
> I've seen no reason to allow a semicolon other than "why not".  Its a
> special case which adds no syntax sugar and simply represents
> unnecessary orthoginality.  It just lets you be sloppy.

Well, it does add some consistency. Admittedly, there's not a huge
value-add so if it doesn't get in, hey, it doesn't get in. :-)
> I can't think of much else I'd want to comment about the end of a
> here-doc than "this is the end of the here-doc" which is about as
> useful as "$i++ # add one to $i".

If you have a potentially huge here doc it can help, just like a
potentially huge if statement:

  if ( $cond ) {

     # 200 lines pass

  }  # end if($cond) line 23

> I'm worried this might cause here docs to look too much like left shift
> operators.  And consider the following ambiguity.
>     use constant BAR => 2;
>     $foo << BAR;
> Stuff
>     print $foo << BAR;
> The first is a here-doc.  The second is a left shift.  They look
> veeery close.

Well, the ambiguity you mention actually already exists in a similar
form; see Camel-3 p. 67. So I don't know that this would really hurt or
help the situation.


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