On 14 Aug 2000 23:29:38 -0000, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:

>Currently, attempting to use objects in a string context
>yields garbage:
>   print "r is $r->func";     # "OBJ=HASH(0xef958)->func"
>   print "r is ", $r->func;   # works, but clumsy

I've not seen any comments on this RFC yet. But this idea has been lying
on my stomch ever since it's been proposed.

Does this expand to regexes?


To be consequent, it should. I don't like it, because so far, "-" nor
">" are metacharacters.

As someone once wrote (I think it was in comp.lang.perl.misc): you have
to draw the line somewhere. Currently, the line is: variables, arrays,
hash and array items, idem ditto with references. that's it. No
functions, no class methods, no object mehods. To me, this limitation
feels natural, because methods and functions *are* basically the same
thing. Why interpolate "$obj->method" and not "Class->method"?

What I would like, is something equivalent to the "@{[...]}" hack but
with far fewer keystrokes, something almost as simple as opening and
closing parens. It should work both in doublequotish strings, and in


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