>Actually, I don't think so. The -> should simply act on \b\w+ before it,
>like anywhere else in Perl:

>   $stuff = Class->blah;

>So regardless of the packages imported "Class" would always be called.


>One potential way to override this:

>   /{Class}->blah/
>   /C{lass}->blah/
>   /Cl{ass}->blah/
>   /Cla{ss}->blah/

>This is consistent with the way ref variables work currently:

>   ${r}->blah;       # class method
>   ${h}->{key};      # hash ref key
>   ${a}->[0];        # array ref key

>I'll add this to the RFC unless there are objections.

I don't see that it's all that consistent, since braces only delimit
variables' symbols when they follow a $ etc.  

Anyway, one can always write:


Although this gets icky in dq strings, since this:

    "This ${\"ClassName"}->frob(stuff) here"

isn't good enough currently.

I wonder whether the "I want to expand arbitrary expressions within 
strings even when there aren't any $ or @ symbols about" people
just need better familiarity with the alternatives.


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