Nathan Wiger wrote:

> Bart Lateur wrote:
> > Why interpolate "$obj->method" and not "Class->method"?
> This is a decent point worth considering.
> I think another way to look at it which is more accurrate is that -> is
> special in many cases already:
>    /$foo->{blah}/       # -> special
>    /$foo->[blah]/       # -> special
>    /$foo->blah/         # not special?
> In fact, I would argue this last one not working is quite surprising.
> Why not simply make -> always special, and have you \escape it if you
> want to use it explicitly?
>    /$foo->blah/         # -> special, calls blah
>    /Class->blah/        # ditto
>    /$foo\->blah/        # escaped, not special

for the middle of the above example, what happens when

package Class;
package lass;
package ass;
package ss;

/Class->blah/   then becomes pretty ambiguous.

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