/--- On Wed, Sep 06, 2000 at 11:23:37AM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
| >Here's some high-level emulation of what it should do.
| >
| >         eval {
| >                 my($_a, $_b, $c) = ($a, $b, $c);
| >                 ...
| >                 ($a, $b, $c) = ($_a, $_b, $_c);
| >         }
| Nope. That doesn't  get you consistency. What you need is  to make a
| local
| alias of  $a and friends  and use that. You  also need to  lock down
| those
| variables so  other threads will  block if  they write to  them, and
| make
| copies if they need to only read them.
| It  also  means that  if  we're  including  *any* sort  of  external
| pieces (even
| files) in the  transaction scheme we need to have  some mechanism to
| roll
| back changes.  If a  transaction fails after  truncating a  12G file
| and

read the rfc please. I don't want to explain it 3rd time.

| writing  out 3G  of  data, what  do  we do?  And  what does  another
| thread that's
| *only*  reading  that  file  during the  transaction  see?  Does  it
|  block? Does it
| see the pre-changed  version? (Which is the normal  course of action
| in
| database systems)
| This  proposal's looking  to  roll in  pretty  much everything  that
| makes a
| modern  relational database  system really  useful. (Whether  SQL is
| useful is
| an argument  we won't get  into at the  moment... :) The  ideas look
| simple on
| the  surface, but  they have  a  huge number  of ramifications,  and
| implementing
| them properly's not easy.
| If we want to, that's great, but we do need to think it out really
| carefully before we do.

Please read  the RFC and AFTER  you can make suggestions.  These _all_
are mentioned in the rfc!

I know  I am not  perfect english,  so some part  of the rfc  might be
misunderstandable, but  please help  me to  develop the  fully working

I have started to  plan what we need in the core  to support very cool
things  (transaction-enabled  vars). I  designed  the  TIE and  object
interface. That's ALL  we need, and we have a  great working solution.
I have demonstrated that with an example!

Most  objections, arguments  are  unnecessary  arguments, most  things
are covered  in the  RFC. Not  everything is clear,  but I  cannot get
_any_ good sugestion about things that are not covered by the rfc.

I  hear objections  about "too  complex", "impossible",  and so  on. I
don't want  to take  over the world,  I only want  to make  a _simple_
extendable (by  modules) transaction-control system, which  uses parts
of the perl,  which are already written (because perl  is rewritten to
support threads).  Only one  small thing  is new: 2pc,  but this  is a
very small alg!

I   don't   want    more.   I   don't   want   to    save   state   of
non-transaction-enabled  objects. I  want to  develop my  own objects,
which are transaction  safe, and I want to do  transactions with that.
And IF  we implement that  feature in  perl6, most people  thinks that
perl is ready for the enterprise solutions.

Only  ONE  language is  supports  transactions  now  (which is  not  a
special  database-language),  and  this   is  Bolero  by  Software  AG
(AFAIK). This  is a quite expensive,  and (in design) quite  good, and
developed  to control  business events.  It is  based on  java virtual
machine.    In   the    business   they    have   business    objects,
transaction-objects,   permanent  objects,   etc.  Transaction-enabled
object is one of the main features of that language.

In contrast,  perl is a general  purpose swiss army knife,  and can be
used for nearly  all purposes, except for  controlling transactions in
"perlish" way. Ok,  we can write transaction controllers  out of core,
but it  makes our perl  code unnecessary  large, because we  only need
_very small_ addition to the core to win a very cool feature!

So I  want to get  suggestions from those, who  thinks my idea  can be
worked out with minimal effort.
The open questions are:
- how complicated the versioning of the variables, do we need this?
- is  somebody  out there  who  thinks  he  can  write the  code  that
  implement this?
- is there any  modification which makes it more powerful  and make it
  more simple?

              Isten ovja a kepernyot! God save the screen!

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