Nathan Wiger wrote:
> Either we need to change $1 to $0, or change ^0 to ^1. Considering $0
> has been around a little while longer than HOFN, I strongly suggest we
> change ^0 to ^1 to be consistent.
> I realize this RFC has been frozen, but this is an important issue. And
> remember, Mike Pastore and I were the ones who suggested this whole ^
> notation, y'know. ;-)


I dunno. If $0 isn't being used for anything currently, maybe we should
switch 'em the other way around. IIRC, this is the only place in p5
where an index doesn't start at uno. That doesn't make ANY sense!

> Other than this issue the RFC is excellent^Wamazing.

Here, here. As usual, Damian. :)

Mike Pastore          )                        #!Perl Monk <Web Coder>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] )                Sys Admin

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