On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 01:50:39PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 04:01:31PM -0300, Branden wrote:

> > >  Loading a Perl module from a filehandle might
> > > screw with <DATA>.
> > 
> > As resource files can be attached to the archive, I think not allowing
> > __DATA__ wouldn't be such a big restriction. I don't know if we can find
> > other workarounds.
> This kills SelfLoader and unsplit AutoLoader modules and similar
> schemes.  AutoLoader isn't so much a problem, since we can just run
> AutoSplit over it.  SelfLoader will be tricky.

I found (no surprise with hindsight) that doing zips with source filters
screwed <DATA> (for want of a better term)
Doing them with sfio made <DATA> work just fine. You got <DATA>
uncompressed as you read it. PerlIO will work the same way
It's only going to screw modules that expect to be able to seek <DATA>
I've not yet met any of them

Autoloader works no problem once all the .al files are in a zip
(it uses require)

s/zip/something else/g to generalise

Nicholas Clark

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