At 15:37 12/02/2001 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
>It *is* rare in OO perl, though. How many of the variables you use are 
>really, truly in need of finalization? .1 percent? .01 percent? Less? Don't 
>forget that you need to count every scalar in every array or hash, and 
>every iteration over a block with my declarations. Perl churns through a 
>*lot* of SV pointers in its average run, and most of them aren't in need of 

Couldn't we simply (for non-implementer values of simply) provide a way for
people to ask for finalization on an object ? Given that most of the time
it isn't needed, it wouldn't be too much of a burden for programmers to
have to write i_want_some_finalization($object, [finalization params]) ?

That would avoid burdening Perl with more dwimity. Dwimity's cool but it
usually has consequences and costs, and those ought to be balanced against
what it costs not to have it.

just my E0.02,

-- robin b.
There's too much blood in my caffeine system. 

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