At 09:36 AM 2/22/2001 +0000, David Grove wrote:
>This is what's scaring me about all this talk about
>exceptions... it can break this mold and make Perl into a "complainer
>language" belching up uncaught (don't care) exceptions forcing try/except
>blocks around every piece of IO or DB handling. The style
>try {
>   open(FOO, "./foo");
>catch FileOpenException $e {
>   die "Drat:" .$e->Message. "\n";
>is horrifying to me over the normal
>open(FOO, "./foo") or die "Drat:$!\n";

Now steady on. No-one is proposing getting rid of the normal way of doing 
it. We're just talking about beefing up another WTDI.  There are situations 
in programs that have dozens or hundreds of lines of code which benefit 
from the exception model just as much as your example.

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