From: Damien Neil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 08:37:05PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > If ord is dependent on the encoding of the string it gets, as Dan
> > > was saying, than ord($e) is 0x81, 
> > 
> > It it could still be 0x81 (from ebcdic) with the encoding carried 
> > along with the _number_ if we thought that worth the trouble.
> I'm going to go away and whimper in pain for a bit, now.
> "I thought chr(0x61) was 'a'."  "It is, but that's an EBCDIC number."

That's assuming the default string encoding has been set to EBCDIC... so
that chr would be translating numbers into EBCDIC tagged strings. So far
we've only been talking about global encoding defaults which tag how an
opcode is dispatched.

Is anyone interested typed 'want' contexts?

use Encoding 'EBCDIC';
$foo:ASCII = chr(0x61);


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