> >A study in Science (291
> >P.2165) found out that
> >english speaking children has
> >twice as much reading
> >problems as italian speaking
> >children of the same age.
> >And about similar difference
> >towards german and french.
> >This could come from the
> >fact that english has for 40
> >phonetics over 1100 kinds of
> >writing while italian has for
> >25 phonetics only 33 kinds of
> >writing (sorry I hope I've
> >translated it into correct
> >terms). Also 9 years old
> >english children produce
> >more reading error than 7
> >years old austrian children.
> The reward?  English-speaking children learn what is arguably the most
> flexible and expressive spoken language in the world.

Sorry, my bigotry meter just went through the roof, adding this thread
to my kill list.

$jhi++; # http://www.iki.fi/jhi/
        # There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'.
        # It is 'dead'. -- Jack Cohen

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