On Thu, Apr 05, 2001 at 11:42:23AM +0000, David Grove wrote:
> Apocalypse is a greek word meaning that which comes out from (apo- eq away
> from) hiding, i.e., revelation. In the biblical sense, it refers to
> revealing that which was previously unseen or unheard, hidden behind a
> veil of worlds or time, as John used it.

Urgh. I'm not letting that go without a pedant point. :) apokalupsis is the
ordinary NT Greek word for revealing or uncovering.[1] John only uses it the
once, in the title of his book. 

Amusingly, Paul uses it in the phrase "apokalupsews dikaiokrisias". ("the
pronouncement of a fair judgment".) Let's hope that Larry's Apocalypses live
up to this ideal. :)

[1]Strong's says "disclosure: appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be
releaved, revelation".
I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year's fashions.
                -- Lillian Hellman

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