At 12:15 PM 4/5/2001 -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
>1. Breaking @foo vs. $foo[]
>This is interesting, and in my gut I like it. Many people I've worked
>with end up writing:
>    @foo[0]
>Which works. But then, they're completely confused by why:
>    %foo{key}

Or why

   @foo[0] = <BAR>;

does really odd things...

2. package vs. module/class

>Whoa. This is so simple yet so sublime. It solves so many issues in one
>swoop. Cool.
>Assuming Perl6 will be parsing Perl5 code? Hmmm. That's interesting.
>Forget p52p6 and the whole 80/20 thing, we could potentially hit the
>100% mark.

I'd really rather not, and I don't think that was Larry's intention. I 
think rather it was "perl 5 warning/strict levels", not "parse as perl 5 
code". At least I hope that's the case...

>I'm unsure about the "module main" idea. I like that modules as a whole
>are strict/-w by default. But the "module main" tag causes the same
>problem Larry is opposed to with BASIC/PLUS "EXTEND". That is, every
>Perl 6 program begins with "module main". Maybe there's a better way to
>implement this? ("use 6.0" has much the same problem)

Most likely you'll just see the normal "use strict; use warnings;" at the 
top of the main program, if that's what folks want.

>3. Core functions return objects (RFC73)
>Woo-hoo! :-) I hope this works out.

Well, it was probably going to anyway, so this isn't a big deal from an 
internals standpoint. Heck, we could do it now with perl 5, if we wanted to 
write enough overloaded stuff and put it into the core. (We could even make 
perl 5 completely OO if you wanted to write some code for the 
SCALAR/HASH/ARRAY packages. Presumably in C, if you wanted to do:

   $foo = "12";
   print $foo->POK;

to retrieve the POK flag, say.)


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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