On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 11:53:49AM -0700, Mark Koopman wrote:
: >    Perl 5                        Perl 6
: >    ----------------------------- ----------------------------
: >    print "Next is " . $i + 1;    print "Next is " + $i + 1;
: this is the root of the problem....Perl 5 version is easy to 
: understand,  Perl 6 version is still ambiguous

It is important to explain that if either side of the '+' operator is
in string context, it is interpreted as concat.

These would all have string context:

Perl5                           Perl6
---------------------------     ---------------------------
print "Next is " . $i + 1;      print "Next is " + $i + 1;
print 1 . $two;                 print 1 . "$two";
print 1 + 2 . $three;           print 1 + 2 + "$three";

I think that another area of confusion might be the precidence model,
which was not detailed.  For example:

[cwest@stupid cwest]$ perl -le'$i=2;print "Next is " . $i + 2'
[cwest@stupid cwest]$ perl -le'$i=2;print "Next is " . ( $i + 2 )'
Next is 4

I would prescribe it to be the following, just like Perl5 is now:

Perl5                           Perl6
---------------------------     ---------------------------
print "Next is " . ($i + 1);    print "Next is " + ($i + 1);
print 1 . $two;                 print 1 . "$two";
print (1 + 2) . $three;         print (1 + 2) + "$three";

Numeric context wins.

I am not opposed to this idea, I see it to be quite easy to
understand, even without explicit parens, though they help.

Casey West

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