I think the magical "+" isn't going to work.

Has the road of just putting things next to each other been extensively
tried?  It works for Awk...  "juxtapose", the Famous Invisible Perl

        Perl 5                  Perl 6

        $a = $b . $c;           $a = $b $c;     # or $b$c
        $a = "foo".$c;          $a = "foo" $c;  # or "foo"$c
        $a = foo . $c;          $a = foo$c;     # foo $c wouldn't work...
        $a = $c . foo;          $a = ${c}foo    # (if foo is a function)
        $a = foo() . $c;        $a = foo() $c;
        $a = $c . foo();        $a = $c foo();
        $a = $b->c . $d;        $a = $b->c $d;  # or $b->c$d;

I can see that the indirect objects can be painful

        my $fh = open(...);
        print $fh $blah;

but maybe we can spread magic thickly enough on filehandles so that
"concat to a filehandle" means output...

$jhi++; # http://www.iki.fi/jhi/
        # There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'.
        # It is 'dead'. -- Jack Cohen

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