Additionally: Perl 5 docs don't run into this because perl 5 has only 3
types: scalar, list, hash.

Perl 6 has lots of types, each of which has its own behavior. We use roles
to package up common behaviors. Positional is the role for "can be indexed"
/ "understands []". Don't just assume you know what Positional is because
you know its English meaning; look at what it actually does, and you will
find the [] documentation.

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 9:13 PM Peter Scott <> wrote:

> On 9/26/2018 3:21 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
> >
> > I use words all the time.  I never would have figured it out
> > from
> >
> >     multi method words(Str:D $input: $limit = Inf --> Positional)
> >
> > Do your really think any beginner would be able to figure out
> > "words" from the above?
> If the beginner had studied the metasyntax of function prototypes,
> probably.  But this is not necessarily for beginners, this is reference
> documentation, which has to serve a purpose unencumbered by pedagogical
> weight.  This documentation is not a tutorial, it is autogenerated.  You
> are relatively unique in insisting that the reference documentation also
> function as a beginners' roadmap, so you are going to experience this
> kind of frustration repeatedly.
> I taught Perl 5 trainings for many years in addition to authoring books,
> videos, and courses on same, and the difference between what is best for
> learning and what is best for reference is stark.  I heard about people
> who claim to have taught themselves Perl 5 from the Camel instead of the
> Llama, but they are few and far between, and in any case, most of the
> Camel contains exposition, if dense. You're looking just at something
> corresponding to the list of functions.  I honestly think you'll get
> further forcing yourself to plow through the new Learning Perl 6 book
> than these random access forays into reference specs.  brian just spent
> two years of intense effort arranging it to fit precisely the graduated
> path your questions tell me you need.

brandon s allbery kf8nh

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