On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 6:31 PM ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com <mailto:toddandma...@zoho.com>> wrote:

    On 10/3/18 3:34 AM, Ralph Mellor wrote:
     > That's called a routine declaration.

    That's the one.  Thank you!

On 10/3/18 3:39 PM, Ralph Mellor wrote:
Thanks for the feedback.

Note that this is also a routine declaration:

sub postcircumfix:<[ ]> ($lhs, $inside) { ... }

The term "name" is ambiguous. I guessed you might mean it
generically, so that's why I started with "routine declaration".

But "name" has a more specific meaning in Perl 6 so that's why
I stepped thru to that more specific meaning.

Not that these "names" actually come in short, long and
qualified versions.

`words` is a short name.

`postcircumfix:<[ ]>` is a short name.

There are two ways to make a short name longer.

One is a longname which appends a signature:

`postcircumfix:<[ ]>($, | is raw)` is a longname.

(See also https://docs.perl6.org/syntax/Long%20names)

The other way is to prepend a package qualifier:

`&SETTING::postcircumfix:<[ ]>` is a package qualified name.


Hi Ralph,

Thank you!

I am slowly learning the names and context of these things.


Who is "raiph"?

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