On 1/15/2020 2:39 PM, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 2020-01-15 14:18, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
Thank you Richard for this long and thoughtful answer.

I have already given up on Todd, I'm glad to see others haven't (yet).  What will follow is probably a response that is either: a. everybody is against me, b. the Raku community won't listen, c. the various variations on those themes.  I sincerely hope that I'm wrong.


Hi Liz,

Richard has not liked me for a long time.
And I even like you too.  You help me with things
and you don't even like me.

ToddAndMargo, you may be in the wrong line of business.  Programming a computer requires understanding the computer the way it is, not the way you would like it to be, and to make progress in that understanding you need to be able to understand what people are telling you.  The computer will not care whether you like it and it certainly neither likes nor dislikes you.  Succeeding in this endeavor requires that you replicate the computer's rigor within your mind; fuzziness in that understanding will result in failure.

Yet when people demonstrate for you the required rigor you repeatedly take issue with their assistance or attribute an emotional bias to it.  Liking or disliking someone has no bearing on their prowess as a programmer.  All that counts is that they understand the abstractions, and that is what people have been trying to help you with, but your comments suggest you see their assistance only through a like/dislike filter.  You're making this so difficult for yourself I think that programming is not a good choice of career for you.  Certainly you are not demonstrating how someone should behave in a community of developers to grow their skills while respecting the other members of the community.

Peter Scott

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