On 2020-01-18 13:11, Marcel Timmerman wrote:

        my $a=2; my $b=3; my $c = +($a, $b)

Here is the mistake that + in front of a list means (...).elems (also used as a prefix, not infix), so there are 2 items in the list which is true. So '+(1,2,3)' returns 3 and '+(^10)' is 10 and '+(5..10)' returns 6
To do it right one can call 'infix:<+>(2, 3)' which returns 5.

Hi Marcel,

My mistake was thinking the "infix" was a description of
a sub, not actually part of the name:

my $a=0b10; my $b=0b11; my $c = infix:<+>($a, $b); say $c.base(2);

The word "infix" is on eof those unicorn word that
has no meaning to me.  I need to change that.

But the easy way is of course '2 + 3'.

1+  Oh no fooling!


     And a participation trophy for the wrong answer.

        my $a=2; my $b=3; my $c = +^($a, $b)

Here you are using it as a prefix too, which means bitwise negation on anything what follows. The definition however is an infix so us it as 'infix:<+^>(0b101, 0b010)' which returns 7. However it is easier to write '0b101 +^ 0b010' or the XOR of two numbers.


See also: https://docs.raku.org/routine/+ and https://docs.raku.org/routine/+$CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT

Same mistake again.  Dang!  At least I am

And Double Dang!  I guess I won't be seeing my
participation trophy any time soon.


Thank you for the excellent explanation/technical writing!


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