On 2020-01-19 08:52, Marcel Timmerman wrote:
On 1/19/20 2:47 AM, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
Hi All,

Thank you all for the wonderful help on this.

What I am still confused about is how to
read these silly definition lines:

       multi sub infix:<+>($a, $b --> Numeric:D)
       multi sub infix:<+^>($a, $b --> Int:D)

How exactly does the above tell me to do this?

      $c = $a +  $b
      $c = $a +^ $b

I figured I'd start with addition and work my
way up.

It is what Elizabeth already said and a bit of latin would help.

prefix:        +foo
     'pre' means something like 'before'. What is before then. It is about
    operators. So an operator goes before an argument. '+foo' here could then be +$a.
     Other prefix examples are ?$a, !$a, -$a, .

postfix:       foo++
    'post' means something like 'after'. The operator goes after the argument. Examples
     are $a++, $b--.

infix:         foo + bar
    This means that the operator is in between arguments. Like $a + $b, $a ** 2.

circumfix:     [foo]
    Means the operator goes around the argument. Like a list ( $a, $b, 3, 4 )

postcircumfix: foo[bar]
    The operator here is placed around an argument which is placed after another.
     Like @a[$b], (^10)[3], %h{$k}


Hi Marcel,

Are you sitting down?

Guess what?  I understand!

And that was a beautiful explanation.  Started small,
defined the terms, then gave examples.  Wonderful
technical writing.  I wish I wrote so well.  Ya,
you just got some fan mail!

I will post my keep on this in another thread.


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