*>There's the trick, Solaris is Sun's Blessed Platform.  As a
*>Linux/PowerPC user, I know how Ziggy feels.  I'm almost totally
*>ignored by Sun and I'd imagine I'd have just as much trouble getting
*>it working as he did.
*>You can almost argue this in reverse with Perl.  The major Unixen are
*>Perl's blessed platforms, Windows and MacOS are out in the cold
*>(though to a much lesser degree).  However, there its more a technical

Good to see someone is getting it :)

*>> Perl6 could make major bonus points for the SA and for others by improving
*>> the installation and configuration details to make it more portable and
*>> more 'packagable' for enterprise deployment. And an SDK.
*>I've always felt this was the domain of the OS distribution.  Debian,
*>for example, does a very good job of packing up perl and lots of perl
*>modules (LWP, DBI, Tk, DBI, etc...) and handling all the dependencies.

Not all OS, though most, have Perl in the base install and those that do
even have problems. Config.pm has issues on HP and Sun, RedHat has spotty
RPMs that occsaionally go awry. 

I figure if the default configuration on a core OS OEM deployment is
screwed then I think I'm pretty safe in saying that there are things that
could be improved upon to make this an easier and more reliable

*>Then again, even for big things like Tk or LWP, I've found perl's
*>installation process to be at least more consistent.  perl Makefile.PL
*>&& make test && make install will just about do it.  By contract, I've
*>had to install the JMF under Linux.  HOoooooboy, that was a mess.  All
*>sorts of little hard-coded paths and config options to tweak and
*>jigger, copying things around by hand.  Unpleasent.  I'd imagine it
*>would be easier to do on Solaris, but that doesn't help me.

Well, call your Linux support and ask for them to make it better/easier to
install Java on Linux. Sun isn't going to do it for the other platforms I
would imagine. The one time I did have an issue with a Java package I had
an engineer issue a patch within the day...and he was awakened at 4am.

*>But yes, module installation can be made easier.  We're working on it.

No, module installation isn't hard and wasn't what I was driving at.
Enterprise wide deployment. Make it easy to install and deploy perl across
5k boxes in a farm and you'll have a winner. :)


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