> Sorry, I ment "final".  final classes and methods.  The idea that you
> can prevent someone from subclassing your class or overriding your
> methods.  I've seen things that hinder reuse, but this is the first
> time I've seen one that violently blocks reuse!

"final" is only useful for strongly-variable-typed language, such as Java.
If the variable is not strongly-typed, people can always use delegation
or has-a scheme to subvert the class, even the class itself is declared
as final. For a truly well designed class, which has no public/protected
fields, nor protected methods, it really does not matter whether it is
final or not, since the subclass can not do anything beyond the class'
public interface.

Unless we want Perl to be strongly typed everywhere, I doubt the usefulness
of final except documentation purpose.


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