On Friday 31 August 2001 01:13 am, Brent Dax wrote:
> # -----Original Message-----
> # From: Dave Storrs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> # I'd also like to be able to access information on the
> # particular perl that
> # is running this program...e.g., does it support 64-bit nums,
> # what is the
> # endianness of the native numbers, does it support threads and
> # (if so) what
> # threading model (though this is probably a moot point in P6,
> # perhaps it
> # is something that could be included into 5.8.x).
> Can't this sort of thing be in Config.pm (or its equivalent)?  Since
> Parrot needs to know things like endian-ness and for reading precompiled
> bytecode anyway, we might as well make it convenient...

For the static information with the interpreter, yes, probably ~Config.pm.  
However, (once again thinking about precompiled bytecode), the appropriate 
static configuration info from the perl that compiled a particular unit may 
be nice, although most likely unnecessary.  Although, with the exception of 
endianess and native extensions, the bytecode is supposed to be the same.

Bryan C. Warnock

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