At 10:34 AM 9/5/2001 +1100, Damian Conway wrote:

>Dan wept:
>    > I knew there was something bugging me about this.
>    >
>    > Allowing lexically scoped subs to spring into existence (and
>    > variables, for that matter) will probably slow down sub and
>    > variable access, since we can't safely resolve at compile time what
>    > variable or sub is being accessed.
>    >
>    >    [snippage]
>    >
>    > Not that I'm arguing against it, just that I can see some
>    > efficiency issues.
>Understood. And that's why you get the big bucks. ;-)

I'm getting paid? Keen! :-P


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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