On Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 07:12:40AM -0600, Dave Goehrig wrote:
> I brought up the whole low level integer rewrite stuff above, because
> look at it again.  That is eactly what we are meant to do when we know
> it is safe to optimize a variable to a more limited domain than say
> 'scalar'.  We don't even go through the motions of vtables.

I've been thinking of the same things. It's no use writing a good
optimizer for a register machine if every variable you have could be
magically tied and execute a redefinetheworld on read.

So I'd hope there will be a way to say (at the Perl6 language level)
that this variable $foo is really a plain int.

It's also important to know that there are no unforeseen aliases for a
variable (like $bar = \$foo), but I don't know how one could specify
that, if at all.


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