On Monday 05 November 2001 09:46 am, Daniel Grunblatt wrote:
> This is exactly what I'm trying to avoid, this is a big overhead, because
> if I'm understaing right you are suggesting to add and if here, right?
> well imagine that if made everytime even when we are not tracing.
> Unless that what you mean is having separated functions and we call
> cg_core() by default, cg_core_trace when tracing and so on, is that what
> you are suggesting?

That is what is currently done, but it isn't extensible.  Ultimately, you 
need two - one streamlined to run a series of ops as fast as possible, and
another to provide hooks for pre- and post- dispatch callbacks.  That limits 
the number of opcode dispatchers for each variant to two, and allows 
arbitrary code (be it tracing, profiling, debugging) to be added to any of 
the variants. 

Bryan C. Warnock

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