Hey all.
  In parellel to splitting out features (yeah, I like that better then
"platforms" too) (which is going well this time, I think (I'm being a lot
better about checking against clean checkouts, but having problems
thinking of a good generic interface for open() and friends), I'm thinking
about a new packfile format.
  I'm comeing across a common problem to both of them.  That is, that the
sizeof things don't come in nice easy units.
  In byteswapping the bytecode, it's a Very Good Thing if you can just
treat it as an array of some specifc type, so you don't have to figure out
how man args each opcode takes (this may, in fact, be impossible, if
oplibs are dynamicly loadable during the bytecode's runtime).
  In the feature-splitting, for example in file opening, some interfaces
(POSIX open(), for example) want to return an integer (the fd), and some
(win32 CreateFile(), for example) want to return a void* (the file
handle).  (This is a pointer to a kernel-allocated structure that will
cause a segfault to directly access, BTW, so no GC problems here.)

I propose that we make INTVAL and opcode_t the same size, and gaurrenteed
to be able to hold a void*.

        -=-- James Mastros
Put bin Laden out like a bad cigar: http://www.fieler.com/terror
"You know what happens when you bomb Afghanastan?  Thats right, you knock
over the rubble."       -=- SLM

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