> On Saturday 19 January 2002 22:05, Brent Dax wrote:
> > Is this list of special blocks complete and correct?
> >
> > BEGIN Executes at the beginning of compilation
> > CHECK Executes at the end of compilation
> > INIT Executes at the beginning of run
> > END Executes at the end of run
> > PRE Executes at beginning of block entry
> > POST Executes at end of block entry
> > NEXT Executes on call to next() within current block
> > CATCH Executes on exception within current block
> > KEEP Executes on normal exit of the current block
> > UNDO Executes on "un-normal" exit of the current block

(Per Damian's last (LAST/POST) post.)


(Another plausible addition. Rounds out PRE and POST
with invariant assertions that get checked twice, once at
the time PRE does, once at the time POST does.
Personally I'd leave this out until it became clear, well
past p6.0, whether it was really worth it, but it seems
worth mentioning.).


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