On Saturday 19 January 2002 22:05, Brent Dax wrote:
> > Is this list of special blocks complete and correct?

Close and close. As of two days ago, Larry's thinking was:

        BEGIN           Executes at the beginning of compilation
        CHECK           Executes at the end of compilation
        INIT            Executes at the beginning of run
        END                     Executes at the end of run
        PRE                     Executes at block entry.
                                Inherited if block is a method. No side-effects 
        POST            Executes at block exit.
                                Inherited if block is a method. No side-effects 
        NEXT            Executes on (explicit or implicit) call to next()
                within current block
        CATCH           Executes on exception within current block
        LAST            Executes on any form of block exit. 
                                Not inherited (c.f. POST), even if block is a method. 
                                Side-effects allowed.
        KEEP            Specialized form of CATCH.
                                Executes on "control" exception in the current block
        UNDO            Specialized form of CATCH.
                                Executes on non-"control" exception in the current 


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