At 05:01 PM 1/23/2002 -0600, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
>On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 02:45:21PM -0800, Glenn Linderman wrote:
> > Final seems to be a way of sealing off a class or method from future
> > inheritance.  Generally, the arguments I've seen on OO lists seem to
> > indicate that regardless of how omniscient the original designer is,
> > someone will get an idea for a useful subclass for the class or method,
> > but run into the problem of not being able to extend it because of the
> > superclass implementor's choice to make it final.  Hence, final seems to
> > be a concept that is rather un-Perl-ish.
>Hmm.  It would be un-Perl-ish to not provide a mechanism for the
>fascist to implement final if they wanted it.  Which leads me to
>wonder if a way unfolds from the syntax already revealed or if we have
>to wait for the OOP-Apocalypse to see how to put our PRE conditions on
>the "isa" mechanism.

I agree totally. Ive never bought into arguments about why "available, 
behavior is so oppressive. Else "use strict" would have to go. :)

Glenn's point is correct about these mechanisms - when you don't have
access to source code, it can be frustrating, but I think its the
availability of source + the design decision of the author, not the keyword
that is the problem.


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