At 02:25 PM 1/23/2002 -0800, Glenn Linderman wrote:
>Melvin Smith wrote:
> > I'm not comfortable with this sort of concept. Typically "inheritance" is
> > going to either take the base implementation or _replace_ the 
> implementation.
> > The replacement can decide to {call|ignore} the base method.
>I think you just said the same thing I did.  To be more explicit, using
>the terminology you seem to want to use, I'll point out that I was only
>talking about the case of an inherited method, not a _replacement_
>method.  In other words, when you inherit a method, you are taking the
>base implementation for that method.  But if you replace a method, you
>are not inheriting that method, but rather replacing it; yes, the
>replacement method may choose to call the base implementation's method
>as part of the replacement implementation.  When you replace a method,
>you have 2 subroutines, the base implementation, and the replacement
>implementation, but when you inherit a method, you have only 1
>subroutine, which may be called 2 different ways.

After re-reading your piece by itself I see we did say the same thing.
The confusion set in when I read 'Me's' post inline with yours.

> > If you wouldn't want the base implementation to be ignore there is usually
> > some mechanism in C++ and Java for this, how it applies to Perl6 I'm not
> > sure.
>I'm not sure either.  In fact, I'm not sure what you mean by this
>sentence at all. If it matters, please rephrase it, so we can talk more
>about it.

Referring to final, private, etc. modifiers that you can use in C++/Java
whenever you don't want someone reimplementing or overriding something.
Will there be such a thing in Perl6?

I think this is meant more for "Me" (not me) than you.


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