>>OO code is full of subs which a) are called very often and b) look
>>like this:
>>       sub code
>>       {
>>         my $self = shift;
>>         return $self->{CODE};
>>       }
>>       sub body
>>       {
>>         my $self = shift;
>>         if (@_) {
>>           $self->{BODY} = shift;
>>         }
>>         return $self->{BODY};
>>       }
>Yup, caller save doesn't necessarily favor code like this. On the 
>other hand, it does favor recursive code and code with heavier-weight 
>bodies. It's always a toss-up. Nothing's free, and all decisions have 
>consequences of some sort.

I think caller save is the way to go.  I am just questioning how
many registers to actually save prior to each call.
The cost of saving registers may be relatively cheap, but it is
not zero.  There must be a good reason why the calling conventions 
on register rich CPUs often call-save just 6 registers.
It must have been backed up by research with hard numbers on hundreds 
of typical programs.

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